[Call Me by No Name] Episode 5 Teaser + Comments

The subbed preview for episode 5 of Call Me by no Name, followed by my personal comments! Enjoy!

I'm an emotional mess even just from seeing glimpses of that scene in the preview, because I feel like it might end up being very touching. This is not going to be a ritualistic act to repay a random someone's kindness as proof of something that is not yet clear to us. Meguchi might not be the first one to fall for Kotoha, but Meguchi is no Murata. She liked Kotoha from the very first moment, and yet there was no way in hell she would let that happen that night, and we know how she immediately hated the idea of Kotoha spending the night with strangers like that. It's always been more shocking to me how so many other people didn't react the same...Moreover, unlike Meguchi, Murata never really shows any actual care, concern and interest in Kotoha. As far as we know, he might not even know that's not her real name...This just to say, that I don't think this is going to be meaningless for Kotoha. We know, we've seen how she's already been touched multiple times by Meguchi (trying hard not to make jokes about the other type of being touched which will happen next episode...).

Going by the clothes, I assume that the happy couple moments (with them wearing shades of purple) - which I'm really looking forward to seeing - will happen after they make love in the hotel. To this point, I think the fact that it will happen at a hotel and not at Meguchi's place, which at first confused me, is another element that draws a hard line between this and what Kotoha has been doing until now. And I also assume that the arrival of that one person, whose identity at this point I think we've all guessed, will happen after the happy couple moments. What do you think about the chronological aspect of it all?

What else, what else? Since we see Kotoha being her cold detatched self I think most of what we see in the preview is the beginning of the intimate scene, thought the part where she thanks Megumi for loving her is either from a later point (she sounds very real and vulnerable), or another scene entirely. It's hard to separate the line from the moment in which we hear it in the preview because Meguchi's expression fits so nicely as an emotional reaction to that. It looks like a very touching moment.

Oh, right. Two translation notes! I translated the final sentence like that because it sounded more natural. More literally it mentions Kotoha receiving the action, rather than Meguchi doing it, but "You don't mind this being done to you?" felt like something weird to say! Just keep in mind that, more literally, that's what it is! The second note has to do with Kotoha's line to Meguchi, about making love to her. That's it, but you have to consider in it the implication "You're going to make love to me - rather than having me make love to you". Kotoha is pointing out, almost with a nuance of surprise, Meguchi taking the lead in the act, basically.

That's all, I think. For now, at least! Let me know what you think, while we look forward to next week together! πŸ€—


  1. Your reviews are always on point!!

    Ep 4 was so touching
    The trauma Megumi got from that, even though she saved that man, is so heartbreaking
    And I don't think I'll ever forget about Megumi saying that Kotoha is the one who saved her...
    Such a beautiful scene

    During the scene at home, when she was talking about how her mom was so loving when she was young, the way she was describing things made it feel like she is deeply disappointed by what her mother might have done later on

    And this made me think about Episode 2 when Megumi was saying something that started with "yo-" and Kotoha was startled..
    Doesn’t δ½™ mean "left over, extra"? Correct me if I'm wrong

    I imagined something like her mom leaving her, and for that reason, she’s like dead to Kotoha now

    Just an idea since I’m intrigued by this 😭

    The last part WOW, the way Kotoha’s expression changed when Megumi confessed to her was like: "Oh, don’t mess with me..."
    She doesn’t want her to be like the others, so yes, she started testing her again

    As for the trailer, I’m really excited.
    Honestly, after the ending of Ep 4, I wasn’t expecting something so bright for the next one
    They’re so cute 😭
    I also didn’t expect that to happen in a motel, I wonder why they’re there...We’ll see

    And of course, we definitely know who that person is... oh this is gonna hurt πŸ₯²

  2. I also found episode 4 to be very touching, especially the sea scene.
    I think Mio's performance there is the absolute best in the entire drama up until now (and the performance level is high throughout!!).

    The scene at home got deep quite fast, too. I don't think Kotoha ever - from her perspective - talked about her mom being loving. That's just how others would interpret what she's saying, but she cannot see that. There are very strong negative feelings towards her mother. I guess things will start to unravel very soon, starting from next ep.

    Many kanji can be read as "Yo", including the one you mentioned, but "Yo" by itself means nothing (and in its meaning of leftover, that kanji reads as "Ama"). The only way I could interpret the scene when I saw it, considering Kotoha's reaction, is that her real name must start with either "Yo" or "You".

    I love that you're theorizing about it, really! It's so special when a drama invites this in the viewers!!

    There's definitely a lot of fear in Kotoha, I think, of opening up to Meguchi's so honest feelings for her. She's retreating. I wonder how much she'll be surprised when Meguchi approaches next episode telling her she's made up her mind, wanting to take her to a hotel. Ohh, Meguchi!!!

    I just hope that, after the brief happiness we'll witness, there won't be too much pain before reaching the ending!! 😭

    Thank you for your lovely comments!!! I really appreciate them!πŸ€—

  3. Oh, definitely, those moments are not happy memories for her, just how others perceive them (in fact, Megumi was confused there)

    Kotoha is such a deep character, so intriguing, and I obviously want to learn more about her

    Thank you for the clarification! I'm not studying Japanese, I'm just a fan of the language!

    I'm really curious about how bad this name is...

    The sea scene was really amazing, both performances were very well done, wa
    I also liked when Megumi said to Kotoha: "Oh, I didn’t know you could make an expression like that"

    Kotoha's expressions are always so controlled but in that moment, she just let them flow
    Maybe one of the most genuine reactions she had, along with when Megumi didn’t kick her out of the house in the first episode and in the next one (Ep 5), her surprise at Megumi’s words

    I really can't wait for the next one!
    Thank you for the reply! 🫢🏻
