Call Me by No Name – Ending Theme Song Translation | Without You by Yonige

My translation of Call Me by No Name's ending thems song, Without you by Yonige. Before getting to the lyrics, some thoughts.


I want you to keep in mind something while reading the lyrics. In the watch party space for episode 5, Eda said that when she first read it she was a bit confused, as CallMeNo is NOT a story of people going on living without each other. So she tried to find an alternative interpretation for it. And that interpretation sees the "you" as the trauma. This is not to suggest you should interpret it like Eda did, even though some parts do seem to make a lot of sense if you think of it that way, but it's more to say that you can feel free to find your own way of interpreting it, in light of what we know so far and, then, in light of what we'll get to know. the song!


Without You - Yonige

Without you
Gently stroking wounds that haven't healed, I think.

Without you
I feel like I don't have to
pretend it never happened.

There's no point in finding the missing pieces
if I'm not doing it myself.

You know

No matter if I wait, no matter if I pray,
growing in the night is only a sense of foreboding,
At this point, I can't say
"I wish we had never met".

Without you
Even if someone reached out their hand for me, 

Without you
With these eyes blinded by a dazzling light, I couldn't see it.

No matter if I wait, no matter if I tie you down
you were never mine to begin with.
Let go, even if it's scary.
It's okay, just stay the way you are.

And I, from now on,
will be strong, in my weakness.

Without you
I've stopped hiding
these wounds of mine that haven't healed.

No matter if I think of it, no matter if I regret it,
the lingering scent won't disappear through the night.
It's time to let go of the you
that my body remembers.

At this point, I don't think
"I wish we had never met". 


You can (and should!!) stream the song on Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music and more. Just folow this link!

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