[English Subs] You ARE GOING TO WATCH! | Clip From Call Me by No Name's Official Account

Let Mio and Ichika cast a spell on you...the powerful "You're gonna watch" spell!!!😂

That one phrase from Ichika near the end isn't clear enough, so I decided not to include the translation to what my understanding of what she says is. But just in case, I'll tell you here that it sounds like she's saying either "I wonder if it hurts, doing this", "It doesn't hurt, doing this", "Doesn't it hurt, doing this?". Yeah, a little can change a lot, even though it's all a bit similar. It's obviously in reference to continuously tapping on the palm like that, for the EP6 sign. I just didn't want to put something I wasn't too sure of. Since they didn't add the text in the original clip either, maybe they also weren't sure ahah.

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