[Call Me by No Name] Episode 7 Preview + Comments

I can't believe we only have two more episodes to go...Anyway, here's the preview for the penultimate episode...You'll find notes about some choices below.


So, as always, some lines are obviously out of context, especially when it’s unclear who someone is speaking to or about. The reason I translated Kotoha's mom's line that way is because:

1. I feel like a new encounter with Kotoha now would be unlikely, but most of all...
2. We know for SURE that she'll meet with Megumi. So my best guess is that she's talking to Megumi.

As for Megumi's final two lines, I assume they're both directed at Kotoha, while the first one is clearly from her discussion with Tabane.

I really wonder if Megumi will meet Kotoha's mother by pure chance (with her going there to try and see Kotoha) or if Kotoha's mother will go there with the intention of meeting her... That’s the interaction I’m most curious about, honestly.

Also, will there be some redemption for Murata? I hope so. I don’t think he's the best, but he's also not necessarily a bad guy. And if he can help Megumi out... well, I’m going to be grateful for that.

Most of all, it makes me really emotional to see Meguchi lay down in that garbage dump where she found Kotoha. And the fact that the "name" moment happens in the aquarium feels pretty meaningful too.

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